cpl casino_six6s livecpl casino_Washington Casino Gambler Charged with Pointing Firearm at Dealer.
Kitsap County police responded to the tribal casino owned and operated by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe around 4:45 pm PDT on June 11. Casino security made an emergency call after an intoxicated male who was cut off from being served additional alcohol pulled out a handgun and pointed it at a blackjack dealer.
A police report explained that a blackjack dealer had notified on-site casino security of a drunk gambler slumped over at the table during the Monday afternoon incident. After the security guard took the man’s beer and asked him to leave, the individual allegedly became angry and brandished a 9 mm pistol.
A sheriff’s deputy later arrested the man — who has not yet been publicly identified — but was unable to book him into the Kitsap County Jail. Regulations prohibit detainees with blood alcohol content (BAC) above 0.25% from being admitted on health concerns. The deputy said he instead dropped off the man at his private residence with a caretaker.